Be smart with social media in 20201 with Katie Lance
Jan 11, 2021Social media is where so many people are at today facebook has over 1.5 billion daily active users and there are others buying for your time like twitter, snapchat, tik tok, instagram, and more. How do you handle all of this. The great news is we talked with Katie Lance, and she gave us some amazing tips to get going for 2021! Take a listen and implement these tactics!
Katie is the CEO and Co-Founder of Katie Lance Consulting. Katie is a nationally known
keynote speaker at conferences and events. For the past 10 years, Katie has been
working with real estate agents and brokers to help them get smarter about how to use
social media to grow their business. Her specialty is in helping real estate agents and
brokers achieve big results using social media without spending a ton of time! She is
also the author of the best-selling book, #GetSocialSmart and the founder of the
#GetSocialSmart Academy. Katie has been named one of the most 100 influential
people in real estate by Inman News and is a frequent contributor to The Huffington
Post. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and 2 beautiful boys.
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