Acheive your Goals With the JBL Team
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I only have 1 Goal!
I am Motivated and energized by watching people grow! I strive to help them see their potential and hit it!
"I only have 1 goal and that is to get your to yours and beyond"
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I am working full time and trying to build my business part time at this moment. You really encourage us to set a goal. At the time I was apprehensive in doing this. Writing it down gave it life, that was a scary step. You kept encouraging and also it's not the end of the world if the goal is not completely meet. I wrote down I wanted to close on 5 properties this year. It was a lot for me considering I had nothing in 2020. My thought was if I'm going to get my business up and running then I needed this.
As of 11/16 I made that goal happen.

Victoria showed me it was OK to be me and taught me how to love life again.
Rebecca Waters
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